Does This Blog Suck?

Sunday, December 5, 2010


     The blog world is new to me so I suppose I am going to jump right into this and give a little info as to what exactly this blog is going to be about. For starters This blog will be a blog of ideas. I am a huge environmentalist. I have known since I was a young lady that I had a very strong connection to the nature, the Planet and the Universe in whole. What a gift the Universe gave to us; the oh so perfect conditions for Life. It is my pleasure and life to respectfully walk among this planet and give back to it as much as I humanly can. Now ill come down off the soap box, I know what you are thinking. Great, another hippy on her high horse. First I will say, I am not a hippy! Second, I am not here to be preachy at all! The second half of the mix in this blog of ideas is Music, I love music. Who doesn't? I have chosen the Music Industry for my career path. What I hope to gain out of this blog is an archive of ideas for the sustainability of the music industry. So my goal is to come up with ideas that turn into reality. Is it possible to run an entire live event on 100 % renewable energy? Is it possible for bands to purchase the merchandise that they sell to their avid fan from a company that makes products out of recycled and recyclable materials? Well the answer to these questions is, yes why not?! This is the foundation for my future company Greener Gear, to provide merchandise to artist that are made from 100% recycled materials and move into a future of the "Green" live event.

until my next post,

"keep on rockin' in the free world"

-Dania O


  1. Love it's true. Many find it hard because at first it can be expensive to go greeen totally but it can be done. And it's true...people like us aren't hippies, just people who care.

  2. And we're pretty precise on our recycling too...we even get 5.5 cents per can and i drink gallons of soda by the can...sweet deal but we recycle almost everything
